Local Studies Books on Villages

Borley, Braintree, Brentford, Broxted, Buckhurst Hill and The Bumpsteads (Steeple & Helions)

Shelfmark Author Title Date Pages Illus? Reading
Borley Borley - books and journals on shelves
E.BOR.2.133.1 Wesley H Downes The Ghosts of Borley 1993 60 Yes Borrowable
Braintree Braintree - books and journals on shelves
E.BRA RCHME Rayne Hall Braintree Essex 1999 25 Yes Ref only
E.BRA May Cunningham & Stephen A Warner Braintree & Bocking 1906 55 Yes Ref only
E.BRA.4 H de Vere Stacpoole The Story of My Village n.d. 124 no Ref only
E.BRA.4.677 Hester Bury A Choice of Design 18590-1980, Fabrics by Warner & Sons Limited 1981 113 Yes Ref only
Brentford Brentford - books and journals on shelves
E.BRE.711.409 Essex County Council Land Use/Transportation Study Brentwood 1967 59 Yes Ref only
E.BRE.392.3 Lesley Lewis The Private Life of a Country House (1912-39)td> 1980 184 Yes Ref only
Broxted Broxted - books and journals on shelves
E.BRO.4.720.9 Philip GM Dickinson & W Ewart Puddicombe Cherry Farm Green and Chaureth Green Broxted, Essex 1966 24 Yes Ref only
E.BRO.4 Broxted WI A History of Broxted 1965 12 No Ref only
Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst Hill- books and journals on shelves
E.BUC.942.08 C Johnson Victorian Buckhurst Hill - a miscellany 1973 16 yes Ref only
The Bumpsteads The Bumpsteads - books and journals on shelves
E.BUM.2 Rev WFD de Langdale History of Steeple Bumpstead 1924 30 yes Ref only
E.BUM.1.331.89283 Thom Staight The Lockout and Subsequent Strike of Agricultural Workers in Helions Bumpstead 1914 1994 29 Yes Ref only
E.BUM.2.285.8 Rev Frank J Gould A Short History of the Congregational Church Steeple Bumpstead 1900 46 Yes Ref only
E.BUM.2.920.REA Jack Read Ten Years in the Life of a Country Boy 1980 131 No Ref only
E.BUM.371.1 Olive M Humphrey Feed my Lambs - The Story of a village Schoolmistress 1991 48 Yes Ref only

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