Local Studies Books on Villages

Littlebury, including Littlebury Green and Catmere End

Shelfmark Author Title Date Pages Illus? Reading
Littlebury Littlebury - books and journals on shelves
E.LIT Parish Plan Steering Group Littlebury Parish Plan 2008? 14 Yes Borrowable
E.LITT Philip Wright Old Farm Implements 1961 95 Yes Ref only
E.LIT.1.711.4 Uttlesford District Council Littlebury Conservation Area Appraisal and Draft Management Proposals 2011 Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.726.5 Paul A Baker Holy Trinity Church, Littlebury: In what way was its medieval fabric restored during the Gothic Revival? 1995 23 + 33 Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.913 Royal Commission
on the Historical Monuments of England
A Hillfort on Ring Hill, Littlebury, Essex. An Earthwork Survey 1995 12 Yes Ref only
E.LITT Rev HJE Burrell The Manor and Parish of Littlebury (from Home Counties Magazine) 1900 13 No Ref only
E.LIT Littlebury Parish Council Parish of Littlebury Millenium Album 2000 263 Yes Ref only
Not Cat Lizzie Sanders and Gillian Williamson (Eds) Littlebury A Parish History 2005 288 Yes Ref only
E.LIT Lizzie Sanders (Ed) Littlebury - accumulated research mainly leading to "A Parish History" 2018 11 vols Yes Ref only
E.LITT Ronald Blake The Heritage of Catmere End 1998? Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.2.920.CAS Sarah Casbolt The Life and Times of A Country Gardener at Howe Hall (Littlebury Green) 2007 144 Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.920.KID Hugh Kidd & Jilly McNaughton An Audley End Boyhood 2014 25 Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.920.WINS Fred Majdalany The Red Rocks of Eddystone 1974 215 Yes Ref only
E.LIT.920.WINS Adam Hart-Davis & Emily Troscianko Henry Winstanley and the Eddystone Lighthouse 2002 208 Yes Borrowable
E.LIT.920.WINS John Piper Buildings and Prospects 1948 146 Yes Ref only
E.LIT.920.WRI Philip A Wright Ploughshare and Pulpit, together with A Countryman's Creed 1947 64 Yes Borrowable

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