29 members and 1 non-member signed the attendance book.
1. Apologies were received from: Judy Brook, Dominic Davey, Zofia Everett, Dorothy Free, Diana Hoy, Howard Newman, Tricia Norris, Judith Rodden, Paul and Heather Salvidge, Kevin Sheehan, Sue Ullstein and Richard Woods.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes of the 2022 AGM had been posted on the website. They were taken as read and were accepted as a true record.
Proposed: Ben Cowell Seconded: Charles Reese Unanimously agreed.
There were no matters arising.
3. Chairman's Report: : Martyn Everett's (ME) report had been posted on the website. He highlighted to the AGM:
(i) The importance of volunteers' and committee members' work for the Gibson Library (GL), especially Richard Woods, Margaret Graves, Peter Walker, Charles Reese, Kelly Cole and Martin Turnbull, thanking these and others.
(ii) Committee member Kelly Cole's work on grant applications.
There being no questions, the report was taken as read and accepted:
Proposed: Kelly Cole           Seconded: Bruce Tice           Unanimously agreed.
4. Treasurer's Report: The report and accounts for 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 had been posted on the website and were shared on-screen. Peter Walker (PW) drew particular attention to the following:
(i) There was a slight growth in membership, with an income of £1,010.
(ii) Grants for capital expenditure produced an inflow and outflow of monies. A major item had been the new microfiche reader.
(iii) Interest received had risen due to a rise in interest rates.
(iv) The liabilities of £2,700 were mainly attributable to the new book on the library which was a work-in-progress.
(v) As the year showed a surplus of £1,713 there is no need to increase the membership subscription rate.
The accounts had been examined and confirmed by the Independent Examiner, John Osmin Smith (JOS), who was thanked, and were accepted.
Proposed: John Oswin Smith           Seconded: Pat Gregory           Unanimously agreed.
ME thanked PW for his continued work on the accounts.
5. Librarian's Report: The report, prepared by Jonothon Weston Cole, ECC, was circulated.
ME noted:
(i) That the GL was not yet lending books through the new consortium as there were insufficient guarantees of compensation for any stock losses arising.
(ii) He welcomed the establishment of an ECC sub-committee with a clear chain of command to take on the role of trustee of the library.
(iii) Sarah Turpin had passed her apprenticeship and her work would result in better working between Saffron Walden Library and the GL.
Anna Martin queried the need for manual work to correct problems on moving to the new catalogue which should have been corrected by the contractor. ME replied that this had proved the most timely way of unravelling the issue.
The meeting voted to accept the report:
Proposed: Charles Reese         Seconded: Kelly Cole         Unanimously agreed.
6. Election of Officers and Committee of the Society:
Election of President: BM had confirmed his willingness to cntinue in the post.
Nominated: Martyn Everett           Seconded: Peter Walker           Unanimously agreed.
i) Election of Chairman: BM took the Chair for the election of the Chairman, ME having confirmed his willingness to continue in the post. He thanked ME, the officers and committee for their roles in the continued success of the GL.
Nominated: Charles Reece           Seconded: Gaia Shaw           Unanimously agreed.
ii) Election of Treasurer: ME resumed the Chair. Peter Walker confirmed his willingness to continue in the post.
Nominated: Ben Cowell           Seconded: John Oswin Smith           Unanimously agreed.
iii) Election of Secretary: GW was retiring as Secretary. Ian Willard was willing to be nominated to the office.
Nominated: Martyn Everett           Seconded: Anna Martin           Unanimously agreed.
iv) Election of current committee members:
Barbara Hughes had been ill during the year and was therefore standing down, with the option to be co-opted on recovery. All other committee members and Gillian Williamson confirmed their willingness to continue in post and were re-elected en bloc: Kelly Cole, Ben Cowell, Pat Gregory, Howard Newman, Ljiljana Ortolja-Baird, Charles Reese, Bruce Tice and Gillian Williamson.
Nominated: Martyn Everett           Seconded: Peter Walker           Unanimously agreed.
v) Independent Examiner: John Oswin Smith confirmed his willingness to continue in the post.
Proposed: Gillian Williamson           Seconded: Kelly Cole           Unanimously agreed.
7. Any Other Business:
i) BC thanked GW for her work as Secretary which ME seconded.
ii) Gill Mulley asked whether plans were in place for deputising for ME as Chair, given the important, wide-ranging nature of the role. ME replied that the role required understanding of the Society, the Charitable Trust and ECC Libraries. There had been some reshaping of committee responsibilities to better support the Chair and he was always ready to delegate tasks. He invited members to come forward if they were interested in helping.
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.040 pm.
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